
Blue Views--remember to click photos to enlarge them...in some cases, it is well worth it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well, I've started this blog as a new project to give me an outlet for my thoughts on things I like and love. I've created a kind of schedule to give me a jumping off point.

Mondays-Boys in Blue (Monday's Man)-I'll post about male actors or models that I find either attractive or somebody I just find interesting or entertaining.

Tuesdays-BlueTube (Tuesday YouTube)-This will be fun clips that I like on YouTube. It may be a scene from a movie or TV show or it could even be a funny cat clip.

Wednesdays-BlueScreen (What's On Wednesdays)-I don't watch current television shows and if I do, I will watch them on DVDs. I don't own cable, so all the TV shows and movies that I watch are from my collection of DVDs. I plan on reviewing a movie or an episode of a show that I like. It could be "The Dick Van Dyke Show" or "Charlie's Angels" or "The Avengers".

Thursdays-Big Blue Marble (Thursday's Thoughts)-Random musings on what's happening in my life or just thoughts on anything and everything that happens around the world.

Fridays-Ka-blue-y (Funny Face Friday)-I will post an image of somebody making a stupid, funny or bizarre face.

Saturdays-Blue Light Special (Random)-Like Thurdays, this will be open to just about anything, with one Saturday a month devoted to Game Day. I don't mean football. I'm talking board games.

Sundays-Blue Ribbon (Reading Reviews)-I will review books, magazines, or comic books.

These may change, but I feel like if I have a plan, I may be more apt to keep this up. Here's hoping.

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